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Carroll and Susan Abernethy - Faith Farms


Sorghum cane is typically harvested during September and October. Many sorghum syrup producers extract the juice from freshly cut plants right in the field. The bright green juice then goes back to the mill, where it is kept, heated, in a holding tank. To avoid spoilage and produce the best syrup, they cook it the next day, thickening into light amber syrup that is then bottled. Ten gallons of raw sorghum juice yields about 1 gallon of syrup.


One tablespoon of sorghum syrup supplies 200 mg of potassium, 6 percent of the recommended daily value for the average adult. It’s also high in antioxidants, contains 300 mg of protein, 30 mg of calcium, 20 mg of magnesium and 11 mg of phosphorus – all in 1 tablespoon. In fact, it is 100 percent natural and contains no chemical additives of

any kind. 


Carroll learned how to make Sorgham by watching our Aunt Kathleen Abernethy. Carroll's Dad, Harry Abernethy and my Dad, Fred D Abernethy were raised on a big farm in Catawba County. The land is still used for farming and provides food to the Catawba County Area.

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